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What is UnoCSS?

UnoCSS is the instant atomic CSS engine, that is designed to be flexible and extensible. The core is un-opinionated and all the CSS utilities are provided via presets.

For example, you could define your custom CSS utilities, by providing rules in your local config file.

import { defineConfig } from 'unocss'

export default defineConfig({
  rules: [
    ['m-1', { margin: '1px' }],

This will add a new CSS utility m-1 to your project. Since UnoCSS is on-demand, it won't do anything until you use it in your codebase. So say we have a component like this:

<div class="m-1">Hello</div>

m-1 will be detected and the following CSS will be generated:

.m-1 { margin: 1px; }

To make it more flexible, you can make your rule dynamic by changing the first argument on the rule (we call it matcher) to a RegExp, and the body to a function, for example:

export default defineConfig({
  rules: [
-    ['m-1', { margin: '1px' }],
+    [/^m-([\.\d]+)$/, ([_, num]) => ({ margin: `${num}px` })],

By doing this, now you can have arbitrary margin utilities, like m-1, m-100 or m-52.43. And again, UnoCSS only generates them whenever you use them.

<div class="m-1">Hello</div>
<div class="m-7.5">World</div>
.m-1 { margin: 1px; }
.m-7.5 { margin: 7.5px; }


Once you made a few rules, you can extract them into a preset, and share it with others. For example, you can create a preset for your company's design system, and share it with your team.

import { Preset } from 'unocss'

export const myPreset: Preset = {
  name: 'my-preset',
  rules: [
    [/^m-([.\d]+)$/, ([_, num]) => ({ margin: `${num}px` })],
    [/^p-([.\d]+)$/, ([_, num]) => ({ padding: `${num}px` })],
  variants: [/* ... */],
  shortcuts: [/* ... */],
  // ...
import { defineConfig } from 'unocss'
import { myPreset } from './my-preset'

export default defineConfig({
  presets: [
    myPreset, // your own preset

So similarly, we provided a few official presets for you to start using right away, and you can also find many interesting community presets.


You can try UnoCSS in your browser, in the Playground. Or look up utilities from the default presets in the Interactive Docs.


UnoCSS comes with integrations for various frameworks / tools:


Source code for all the examples can be found in the /examples directory.

Released under the MIT License.