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Icons preset

Use any icon with Pure CSS for UnoCSS.

Source Code


Recommended reading: Icons in Pure CSS

Follow the following conventions to use the icons

  • <prefix><collection>-<icon>
  • <prefix><collection>:<icon>

For example:

<!-- A basic anchor icon from Phosphor icons -->
<div class="i-ph-anchor-simple-thin" />
<!-- An orange alarm from Material Design Icons -->
<div class="i-mdi-alarm text-orange-400" />
<!-- A large Vue logo -->
<div class="i-logos-vue text-3xl" />
<!-- Sun in light mode, Moon in dark mode, from Carbon -->
<button class="i-carbon-sun dark:i-carbon-moon" />
<!-- Twemoji of laugh, turns to tear on hovering -->
<div class="i-twemoji-grinning-face-with-smiling-eyes hover:i-twemoji-face-with-tears-of-joy" />
Hover it

Check all available icons.


pnpm add -D @unocss/preset-icons @iconify-json/[the-collection-you-want]
yarn add -D @unocss/preset-icons @iconify-json/[the-collection-you-want]
npm install -D @unocss/preset-icons @iconify-json/[the-collection-you-want]

We use Iconify as our data source of icons. You need to install the corresponding icon-set in devDependencies by following the @iconify-json/* pattern. For example, @iconify-json/mdi for Material Design Icons, @iconify-json/tabler for Tabler. You can refer to Icônes or Iconify for all the collections available.

import presetIcons from '@unocss/preset-icons'
import { defineConfig } from 'unocss'

export default defineConfig({
  presets: [
    presetIcons({ /* options */ }),
    // ...other presets


This preset is included in the unocss package, you can also import it from there:

import { presetIcons } from 'unocss'


You can also use this preset alone as a complement to your existing UI frameworks to have pure CSS icons!

If you prefer to install all the icon sets available on Iconify at once (~130MB):

pnpm add -D @iconify/json
yarn add -D @iconify/json
npm install -D @iconify/json

Extra Properties

You can provide the extra CSS properties to control the default behavior of the icons. The following is an example of making icons inlined by default:

  extraProperties: {
    'display': 'inline-block',
    'vertical-align': 'middle',
    // ...

Modes Overriding

By default, this preset will choose the rendering modes automatically for each icon based on the icons' characteristics. You can read more in this blog post. In some cases, you may want to explicitly set the rendering modes for each icon.

  • ?bg for background-img - renders the icon as a background image
  • ?mask for mask - renders the icon as a mask image

For example, vscode-icons:file-type-light-pnpm, an icon with colors (the svg doesn't contain currentColor) that will be rendered as a background image. Use vscode-icons:file-type-light-pnpm?mask to render it as a mask image and bypass it's colors.

<div class="w-full flex items-center justify-center gap-x-4 text-4xl p-2 mt-4">
  <div class="i-vscode-icons:file-type-light-pnpm" />
  <div class="i-vscode-icons:file-type-light-pnpm?mask text-red-300" />

Configuring collections and icons resolvers

You can provide collections via @iconify-json/[the-collection-you-want], @iconify/json or using your custom ones using collections option on your UnoCSS configuration.


To load iconify collections you should use @iconify-json/[the-collection-you-want] and not @iconify/json since the json file is huge.


When using bundlers, you can provide the collections using dynamic imports so they will be bundler as async chunk and loaded on demand.

import presetIcons from '@unocss/preset-icons/browser'

export default defineConfig({
  presets: [
      collections: {
        carbon: () => import('@iconify-json/carbon/icons.json').then(i => i.default),
        mdi: () => import('@iconify-json/mdi/icons.json').then(i => i.default),
        logos: () => import('@iconify-json/logos/icons.json').then(i => i.default),


Or if you prefer to fetch them from CDN, you can specify the cdn option since v0.32.10. We recommend as the CDN provider.

  cdn: ''


You can also provide your own custom collections using CustomIconLoader or InlineCollection, for example using InlineCollection:

  collections: {
    custom: {
      circle: '<svg viewBox="0 0 120 120"><circle cx="60" cy="60" r="50"></circle></svg>',
      /* ... */
    carbon: () => import('@iconify-json/carbon/icons.json').then(i => i.default as any),
    /* ... */

And then, you can use it on your html: <span class="i-custom:circle"></span>


In Node.js the preset will search for the installed iconify dataset automatically, so you don't need to register the iconify collections.

You can also provide your own custom collections using also CustomIconLoader or InlineCollection.


Additionally, you can also use FileSystemIconLoader to load your custom icons from your file system. You will need to install @iconify/utils package as dev dependency.

import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
// loader helpers
import { FileSystemIconLoader } from '@iconify/utils/lib/loader/node-loaders'
import { defineConfig, presetIcons } from 'unocss'

export default defineConfig({
  presets: [
      collections: {
        // key as the collection name
        'my-icons': {
          account: '<svg><!-- ... --></svg>',
          // load your custom icon lazily
          settings: () => fs.readFile('./path/to/my-icon.svg', 'utf-8'),
          /* ... */
        'my-other-icons': async (iconName) => {
          // your custom loader here. Do whatever you want.
          // for example, fetch from a remote server:
          return await fetch(`${iconName}.svg`).then(res => res.text())
        // a helper to load icons from the file system
        // files under `./assets/icons` with `.svg` extension will be loaded as it's file name
        // you can also provide a transform callback to change each icon (optional)
        'my-yet-other-icons': FileSystemIconLoader(
          svg => svg.replace(/#fff/, 'currentColor')


From @iconify/utils v2.1.20 you can use other packages to load icons from others authors using the new createExternalPackageIconLoader helper.


External packages must include icons.json file with the icons data in IconifyJSON format, which can be exported with Iconify Tools. Check Exporting icon set as JSON package for more details.

For example, you can use an-awesome-collection or @my-awesome-collections/some-collection to load your custom or third party icons:

import { createExternalPackageIconLoader } from '@iconify/utils/lib/loader/external-pkg'
import { defineConfig, presetIcons } from 'unocss'

export default defineConfig({
  presets: [
      collections: createExternalPackageIconLoader('an-awesome-collection')

You can also combine it with other custom icon loaders, for example:

import { createExternalPackageIconLoader } from '@iconify/utils/lib/loader/external-pkg'
import { defineConfig, presetIcons } from 'unocss'
import { FileSystemIconLoader } from 'unplugin-icons/loaders'

export default defineConfig({
  presets: [
      collections: {
        'my-yet-other-icons': FileSystemIconLoader(
          svg => svg.replace(/^<svg /, '<svg fill="currentColor" ')

Icon Customizations

You can customize all icons using customizations configuration option.

Available customizations functions:

  • transform: transform raw svg, will be only applied when using custom icon collection (iconify collections excluded).
  • customize: change default icon customizations values.
  • iconCustomizer: change default icon customizations values.

For each loaded icon, the customizations will be applied in this order:

  • apply transform to raw svg, if provided and using custom icon collection
  • apply customize with default customizations, if provided
  • apply iconCustomizer with customize customizations, if provided

Global Custom Icon Transformation

When loading your custom icons, you can transform them, for example adding fill attribute with currentColor:

  customizations: {
    transform(svg) {
      return svg.replace(/#fff/, 'currentColor')

From version 0.30.8 the transform provides the collection and icon names:

  customizations: {
    transform(svg, collection, icon) {
      // do not apply fill to this icons on this collection
      if (collection === 'custom' && icon === 'my-icon')
        return svg
      return svg.replace(/#fff/, 'currentColor')

Global Icon Customization

When loading any icon you can customize common properties to all of them, for example configuring the same size:

  customizations: {
    customize(props) {
      props.width = '2em'
      props.height = '2em'
      return props

Icon/Collection Customization

You can customize each icon using iconCustomizer configuration option.

The iconCustomizer will take precedence over configuration.

The iconCustomizer will be applied to any collection, that is, for each icon from custom loader, inlined on custom collections or from @iconify.

For example, you can configure iconCustomizer to change all icons for a collection or individual icons on a collection:

  customizations: {
    iconCustomizer(collection, icon, props) {
      // customize all icons in this collection
      if (collection === 'my-other-icons') {
        props.width = '4em'
        props.height = '4em'
      // customize this icon in this collection
      if (collection === 'my-icons' && icon === 'account') {
        props.width = '6em'
        props.height = '6em'
      // customize this @iconify icon in this collection
      if (collection === 'mdi' && icon === 'account') {
        props.width = '2em'
        props.height = '2em'


You can use the icon() directive in your CSS to get the metadata of the icon.

.icon {
  background-image: icon('i-carbon-sun');


icon() depends on @unocss/preset-icons and will use the configuration, make sure you have added this preset.

More about icon() directive, check Directives.



  • Type: number
  • Default: 1

Scale related to the current font size (1em).


Mode of generated CSS icons.


  • mask - use background color and the mask property for monochrome icons
  • bg - use background image for the icons, colors are static
  • auto - smartly decide mode between mask and bg per icon based on its style


  • Type: string | string[]
  • Default: 'i-'

Class prefix for matching icon rules.


  • Type: Record<string, string>
  • Default: {}

Extra CSS properties applied to the generated CSS.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Emit warning when missing icons are matched.


  • Type: string[]
  • Default: undefined

Additional @iconify-json collections to use. This option should be used when there are new @iconify-json collections not listed in the default icons preset collection names.


  • Type: Record<string, (() => Awaitable<IconifyJSON>) | undefined | CustomIconLoader | InlineCollection>
  • Default: undefined

In Node.js environment, the preset will search for the installed iconify dataset automatically. When using in the browser, this options is provided to provide dataset with custom loading mechanism.


  • Type: string
  • Default: 'icons'

Rule layer.


  • Type: Omit<IconCustomizations, 'additionalProps' | 'trimCustomSvg'>
  • Default: undefined

Custom icon customizations.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Auto install icon sources package when the usages is detected.


Only on node environment, on browser this option will be ignored.


  • Type: string
  • Default: 'em'

Custom icon unit.


  • Type: string
  • Default: undefined

Load icons from CDN. Should starts with https:// and ends with /.




  • Type: (url: string) => Promise<any>
  • Default: undefined

Preset used ofetch as the default fetcher, you can also custom fetch function to provide the icon data.


  • Type: (cssObject: CSSObject, meta: Required<IconMeta>) => void
  • Default: undefined
interface IconMeta {
  collection: string
  icon: string
  svg: string
  mode?: IconsOptions['mode']

Processor for the CSS object before stringify. See example.

Advanced Custom Icon Set Cleanup

When using this preset with your custom icons, consider using a cleanup process similar to that done by Iconify for any icons sets. All the tools you need are available in Iconify Tools.

You can check this repo, using this preset on a Vue 3 project: @iconify/tools/@iconify-demo/unocss.

Read Cleaning up icons article from Iconify for more details.

Accessibility Concerns

When using icons, it's important to take all your potential users into account. Some of them might be using screen readers, and they will need an alternative text to understand what an icon means. You can use the aria-label attribute to provide a description of the icon:

<a href="/profile" aria-label="Profile" class="i-ph:user-duotone"></a>

If the icon is purely decorative and doesn't need a text alternative, you can use aria-hidden="true" to hide it from screen readers:

<a href="/profile">
  <span aria-hidden="true" class="i-ph:user-duotone"></span>
  My Profile

There are many other techniques to provide hint text for screen-readers, for instance, Uno preset includes sr-only to hide elements visually but keep them accessible to screen readers.

You can find some good resources on the web about icons accessibility, and CSS icons behave like icon fonts, so you can use the same techniques as you would with icon fonts.


Released under the MIT License.