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ESLint Config

ESLint config for UnoCSS: @unocss/eslint-config.


pnpm add -D @unocss/eslint-config
yarn add -D @unocss/eslint-config
npm install -D @unocss/eslint-config

In Flat Config Style:

// eslint.config.js
import unocss from '@unocss/eslint-config/flat'

export default [
  // other configs

In legacy .eslintrc style:

  "extends": [


  • @unocss/order - Enforce a specific order for class selectors.
  • @unocss/order-attributify - Enforce a specific order for attributify selectors.
  • @unocss/blocklist - Disallow specific class selectors [Optional].
  • @unocss/enforce-class-compile - Enforce class compile [Optional].

Optional rules

These rules are not enabled by default. To enable it, add the following to your .eslintrc:

  "extends": [
  "rules": {
    "@unocss/<rule-name>": "warn", // or "error",
    "@unocss/<another-rule-name>": ["warn" /* or "error" */, { /* options */ }]


Throw warning or error when using utilities listed in blocklist get matched.

You can customize messages for blocked rules to make them more informative and context-specific by using the message property of the meta object:

// uno.config.ts
export default defineConfig({
  blocklist: [
    ['bg-red-500', { message: 'Use bg-red-600 instead' }],
    [/-auto$/, { message: s => `Use ${s.replace(/-auto$/, '-a')} instead` }], // -> "my-auto" is in blocklist: Use "my-a" instead

@unocss/enforce-class-compile 🔧

This rule is designed to work in combination with compile class transformer.

Throw warning or error when class attribute or directive doesn't start with :uno:.

🔧 automatically adds prefix :uno: to all class attributes and directives.


  • prefix (string) - can be used in combination with custom prefix. Default: :uno:
  • enableFix (boolean) - can be used for gradual migration when false. Default: true

Note: currently only Vue supported. Contribute a PR if you want this in JSX. If you're looking for this in Svelte, you might be looking for svelte-scoped mode.

Prior Arts

Thanks to eslint-plugin-unocss by @devunt.

Released under the MIT License.